Thursday, August 23, 2018

Miracles, Trainings, and the Power of the Word of God through the Book of Mormon!

What a wonderful, enormously busy several weeks we have had. Lots of interviews, trainer-trainee meetings, Mission Leadership Council (MLC), multi-zone conferences, baptisms, miracles, and lots of traveling around the mission. It keeps us busy and feeling of the spirit. There is nothing we like better here in the California Riverside Mission than being with the missionaries. We love them!
President and Sister Hammon, Elders Steiner and Simpson, and Brad Wilcox
who came to our area to talk at firesides and attend Elena's baptism (great story!)
All fifteen new missionaries with their companions converged on the Grand Building a couple of weeks ago to participate in a wonderful training. Sister Hammon, the Assistants, and I did the training. Five companions also participated in discussing five topics relating to their training. They did an incredible job! These new missionaries already have shown their propensity to be wonderful missionaries.

New missionaries and their trainers
Our Mission Leadership Council (MLC) was truly a revelatory event. The MLC set a very high goal and then discussed whether we should lower it, but they were unanimous in their resolve to accomplish this stretching goal. In fact, we unitedly kneeled in fervently prayer to know whether this was the most appropriate goal. The answer was swift: “YES!” These emerging leaders continue to amaze and enlighten us.
Mission Leadership Council (MLC)
Multi-zone conferences (MZC) leaped upon us this transfer. What an incredible, revelatory experience we had. Sister Hammon, President Norman and President Hansen from the Mission Presidency, the zone leaders, the sister training leaders, and I trained each day on the following topics:

Jurupa Zone
“We make Christ our Center by partaking of the Sacrament each Sunday and keeping the Sabbath Day holy”— President Hansen and President Norman’s discussions hinged on listening, testifying, validating, and inviting people through scriptures to attend Sunday meetings and keeping the Sabbath Day holy. President Hansen said, “You don’t have to know everything to testify.” Both discussed the importance of teaching, testifying, and inviting to act/commit in helping people come to understand the Sabbath Day and its importance in the gospel by reading the scriptures. We need to be straightforward and testify to the blessings they will receive from obeying the Sabbath Day, and then invite them to participate in church services, particularly Sacrament Meeting, where we partake of the Sacrament and renew our covenants.
Corona Zone
“The Power of the Word in the Book of Mormon”—This was my topic, and we discussed the following truths about the Book of Mormon”
1. The Book of Mormon testifies of Christ.
2. The Book of Mormon converts people and persuades them to come unto Christ.
3. Through the Book of Mormon, we become intimately acquainted with Christ.
4. The Book of Mormon teaches us the attributes of Christ.
5. The Book of Mormon teaches us about the Atonement of Christ.
6. The Book of Mormon teaches us about the Plan of Happiness.
7. The Book of Mormon teaches us the love the Father and the Son have for us.
8. The Book of Mormon teaches us what kind of people we need to be.
9. The Book of Mormon teaches us of the blessings that will come to us because of obedience.
Riverside Zone
“Sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father—Yes, you are good enough!”—The sister training leader taught this principle in all three MZCs. I love this topic. Sister Hammon taught this in MLC. They based some of their thoughts on Elder J. Devin Cornish’s  talk “Am I Good Enough? Will I Make it?” (Ensign, October 2016). He said, “If we must compare, let us compare how we were in the past to how we are today—and even to how we want to be in the future. The only opinion of us that matters is what our Heavenly Father thinks of us.”

Mt. Rubidoux Zone
“Grow in faith that we may experience mighty miracles”—The zone leaders taught this concept each day. They all stated: “The day of miracles has not ceased.” One of the zone leaders used this quote: “"Those who are impatient, uncommitted, or careless may find faith to be elusive. Those who are easily discouraged or distracted may hardly experience it. Faith comes to the humble, the diligent, the enduring. ... It comes to those who pay the price of faithfulness. " (Elder Uchtdorf, Fourth Floor, Last Door, Oct. 2016)

Moreno Valley Zone
“Elevated Home Visits”—The questions about what constitutes a home visit was put to rest during the MZC. Everyone now knows what an elevated home visit is. We shall see the outcome of these soon. We love working with members.

Menifee Zone 
“Generating enthusiasm and motivation to accomplish and reach goals”—One of the conclusions of the sessions on this topic came from this quote: “It all depends upon you and your attitudes, for your altitude, or the height you climb, is dependent upon your attitude or your response to situations.” (President Kimball, Ensign, November 1974, p. 80.)

Lake Elsinore Zone
Sisters Hackley and Grillone--Twins for the day!
“Are you Sleeping Through Your Mission?”—Sister Hammon’s topic evolved into trusting in the Lord and doing His will. Her invitation was this: “Will you have the faith to turn your mission over to the Lord and expect miracles? How are you going to do this?

Hemet Zone
“Developing Teaching Skills”—One of areas we can all improve on is developing teaching skills. The Assistants gave a great presentation on how to begin teaching; the importance of having unity in a companionship; listening as a tool to help us understand more about our companion and the people we teach; and always leaving something behind, like a gospel resource, an assignment, pages to be read in the Book of Mormon.

Learning concepts

We have the greatest Relief Society sisters in our mission who take care of us.

Incredible Relief Society sisters!

Relief Society sisters provide delicious meals!
Revised Mission Goals, Mission Invitation, etc.—We discussed the new mission goals the MLC developed in the August 2, 2018 meeting. We will work on them as a Mission. We also committed to fulfill President Russell M. Nelson’s invitation to read, study, ponder, and discover the Book of Mormon. So, from August 17, 2018-December 17, 2018, we will follow his invitation found in his talk “The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like without It?” (October 2017).

Golden Plunger Award  for the cleanest apartment goes to
Sisters Ashby and Peterson with Elder and Sister Powell

Golden Plunger Award  for the cleanest apartment goes to
Hermanas Schmutz and Stettler with Elder and Sister Powell

Golden Plunger Award  for the cleanest apartment goes to
Elders Guymon and Akana with Elder and Sister Dickensen

Golden Plunger Award  for the cleanest apartment goes to Elders Saxton and Tippetts
Perhaps, the highlight of the multi-zone conferences is the testimonies of those who are new to us and those who are going home. While I would love to publish every word, I will say this: Often we worry about those who are leaving. They are and have been our leaders. What will happen when they go? Will the new ones be able to fill their shoes? Will our Mission continue to grow and develop? What we continually discover with those who are new is that they come prepared and ready to walk in their own shoes and create their own footsteps. We will be fine.


Hermana Schmutz displays her award for having the cleanest apartment!
We had several miracle baptisms in August so far. More to come.

We love what we are doing. We are refreshed every day because of watching these young men and women, truly representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ, grow and develop and mature and become effective leaders and teachers. We love them!

President and Sister Hammon

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