Thursday, November 29, 2018

New missionaries arrive in the California Riverside Mission!

Incoming Missionaries

Incoming missionaries in the Ontario Airport
Just as incredible missionaries climb the stairs, board planes, and head for home, more incredible missionaries come down the escalators and become part of the California Riverside Mission. The following missionaries arrived recently to our mission: Sisters Longshore, Foster, Gaughan, Anderson, Moore, Reynolds, George, and Cardiel; Elders Hull, Bailey, O’Connell, Chase, Webb, Greathouse, and Voellger. 

Incoming and down the stairs
After arriving, they climbed aboard the vans and motored to the Mission Home where they devoured street tacos. Elder and Sister Samuelson, Elder and Sister Miskin, and Elder and Sister Shirley—all new senior missionaries in the past two weeks—joined us for the dinner and testimonies. Once they finished, we sat in the living room and learned a bit more about each new missionary. Then, the sisters stayed and had interviews while the elders went to various apartments for the evening.

The next morning, we drove to the Mission Office where they participated in the New Missionary Orientation. While they were there, the new trainers came and received the training they needed to begin the training of the new missionaries. I finished interviewing the rest of the missionaries. Then, I assigned them to the missionaries who the Lord and I felt would be the best fit. I talked to Sister Hammon and the Assistants and confirmed this was what needed be done. 

The testimonies were excellent. Here are some samplings: 

S. Samuelson—“Our first mission was the best experience we have had together.”
E. Samuelson—“I am grateful to bear testimony.”

Elder and Sister Samuelson and Sister and President Hammon
S. Miskin—“I have known forever my Savior. I learned more about Him through the Book of Mormon.”
E. Miskin—“The power that is with us as missionaries because we are commissioned by God.”

Sister Hammon, Sister and Elder Miskin, and President Hammon
S. Shirley—“The Savior is your shepherd and knows your name, and He understands your challenges.”
E. Shirley—“We can be happy in this life and receive eternal blessings.”

President and Sister Hammon and Sister and Elder Miskin
S. Reynolds—“We are meant to have our companions and people to help us stretch.”

Sisters Reynolds (new) and Bascom
S. Anderson—“I know Heavenly Father has a plan, and I am where I am supposed to be.”

Sisters Tanner and Anderson (new)
S. Foster—“In His strength, I can do all things” (see Alma 26:12).

Sisters Foster (new) and Hackley
Hna. Cardiel—“The Church and the scriptures are true because I have asked.”

Hermanas Cardiel (new) and Brown
S. Gaughan—“I was called to California. I don’t why—yet. I see small miracles in my life.”

Sisters Gaughan (new) and Andersen
Hna. Longshore—“I felt more love from my Savior in the last six weeks in the MTC. I want to share that love.”

Hermanas Peters and Longshore (new)
S. Moore—“It is all about changing and coming closer to Christ. Without Christ we are nothing.”

Sisters Moore (new) and Dorny
S. George—“However imperfect or inadequate we are, He will help us.”
Sisters George (new) and Davies
E. Hull—“My testimony has grown so much. The Spirit has testified to me that I should be here.”

Elders McConahay and Hull (new)
E. O’Connell—“I am so happy to serve everyone.”

Elders O'Connell (new) and Steiner
E. Webb—“While I don’t know what I have gotten myself into, but it already feels like home.”

Elders Akana and Webb (new)
E. Greathouse—“I’m a child of God, and I know He needs me here.”

Elders Komers and Greathouse (new)
E. Bailey—“The Book ofMormon is true. The work is exciting.”

Elders Johnson and Bailey (new)
E. Chase—“The time in the mission is about Christ, the Son of God. The Lord will help us.”

Elders Lai and Chase (new)
E. Voellger—“I am honored to be here in California. God is the Supreme Being, and He loves us.”
Elders Voellger and Rodriguez
When they arrive, they always have lots of luggage, boxes sent previously, and bicycles waiting for them.

Luggage and stuff
We also have them take their picture from the middle of the famed "transfer board" and placed them where they will reside for their first transfer.

Sisters Foster and Longshore placing their pictures

Hermanas Peters (pointing) and Longshore

Sister Hammon observing while Sister Moore places her photo

Sisters Cardiel, George, and Foster with Sister Davies
We love our new missionaries and look forward with them!

President and Sister Hammon

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