Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Changes, Changes, Always Changes: New Missionaries and District Leader Training

New Missionaries

Welcome to the California Riverside Mission!
Not only did missionaries go home this past week, but we also had missionaries arrive from both the Mexico and Provo missionary training centers (MTC). They came, vigorous and ready to do the Lord’s work. We are excited to have them come.

Hermana Thompson 

Hermana Thompson (new) and Hermana Schmutz (trainer)
Hermana Ledford

Hermana Ledford (new) and Hermana Rane (trainer)
Sister Ellsworth

Sister Fortin (trainer) and Sister Ellsworth (new)
Sister Griffith

Sister Foster (trainer) and Sister Griffith (new)
Sister Killian

Sister Killian (new) and Sister Preator (trainer)
Sister Sands

Sister Peterson (trainer) and Sister Sands (new)
Elder Abraham

Elder McInnes (trainer) and Elder Abraham (new)
Elder Chapman

Elder Carlisle (trainer) and Elder Chapman (new)
Elder McIntire

Elder Porrazzo (trainer) and Elder McIntire (new)
Elder Tellez

Elder (trainer) and Elder Tellez (new)
Elder Wilcock

Elder Jackson (trainer) and Elder Wilcock (new)
Elder Yeh

Elder Bailey (trainer), Elder Yeh (new), and Elder Stewart (companion and part of the trio)
Plus, we received Elder Larsen back!

Elder Lawlor (trainer) and Elder Larsen (newish)
After gathering up their luggage at the airport, we trundled back to the Mission Home where we had a delicious meal and had a get-to-know-you-activity. Then, the elders went off to where they were going to stay, and the sisters stayed at the Mission Home. 

Singing and reciting during lunch
The next day, we all met at the Mission Office and did some training with them, finished the interviews with the elders, had lunch, extended the assignments for the trainers, and had a wonderful testimony meeting. The new missionaries are impressive. They are ready to work hard, and I suspect they have miracle stories to tell in their letters this week. 

Sister Sands adding her picture to the transfer board

Elders McIntire, Wilcock, and Yeh adding their picture to the transfer board with Sister Griffith looking on

Elder Elder Chapman and Sister Griffith adding their picture to the transfer board

Sister Ledford adding her picture to the transfer board with Sister Sands watching
Here are snippets from their testimonies:

S. Ellsworth—“I want to be here. I want to teach.”

E. McIntire—“I know the blessings of genuinely following Jesus Christ. It gave me a new outlook.”

E. Wilcock—“I testify that the Church is true. We are all children of Heavenly Father.”

E. Chapman—“I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon. Heavenly Father has blessed me and kept me calm—kept the out the nervous jitters.”

S. Sands—“Everything we teach is true. There are people who don’t have this knowledge. I am ready to get to work.”

E. Yeh—“I testify that Heavenly Father loves all of His children.”

S. Griffith—“Heavenly Father blesses us with families because He loves us.”

S. Killian—“Psalms 23: The Lord is my Shepherd. I know that Jesus Christ is my Shepherd. I am going to give it my all.”

Hna. Thompson—“I testify with everything that I have that the Church is true. The Book of Mormon changes lives through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.”

Hna. Ledford—“I wouldn’t be here today without the Book of Mormon. A book (the Bible) changed Joseph Smith’s life.

E. Larsen—“I know that God lives. I know the Lord humbles those who think they are great and guides them to Him who is Great.”

E. Abraham—“How real and true is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I want to put my shoulder to the wheel.”

E. Tellez—“I want to make a name from the name I now have on my chest. We have an example to follow—Jesus Christ.”

Sisters Sands and Griffith
Sister Killian adding her picture to the transfer board

Sister Ellsworth adding her picture to the transfer board

Hermana Thompson adding her picture to the transfer board

Elder Abraham adding his picture to the transfer board
District Leader Training

We also had a great District Leader Training this past week after transfers. We have 11 incredible new district leaders.
New and returning district leaders
My topic focused on “The Doctrine of Establishing the Lord’s Culture”: Culture of  Obedience, Culture of Leadership, Culture of Teaching by the Spirit, Culture of Hard Work, Culture of Diligence, Culture of Love and Kindness, and a Culture of Doing Good.
Then, the Assistants presented on “District Leader Responsibilities.” Then, for the next 80 minutes, we simulated a District Council Meeting. I thought it went well. Sister Miskin spoke on the “Fundamentals of Baptismal Whites.”  Sister Hammon spoke on “Emergency Preparedness.” Stay tuned!

District leaders thanking Elder and Sister Shirley and Elder and Sister Miskin
 After a delicious lunch, the rest of the afternoon was mostly “a plethora of things, both Ministrative and administrative.” Topics included: “Journal signing activities, Mission Training Plan, importance of district leader assignments, working with sisters, transference of information, baptismal white review, baptismal interviews, organization of baptisms, new member lessons, conference inspiration, and questions and answers. We spent a bit of time on these topics.

My closing remarks included this scripture: “And behold, all that he requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land; and he never doth vary from that which he hath said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you” (Mosiah 2:22).

We definitely experienced a very busy week with outgoing missionaries (see previous blog), outgoing missionaries, and district leader training. It is exciting to see new emerging leaders in the mission.


  1. Thank you for sharing our missionaries' experiences. I know our daughter, Hermana Thompson is thrilled to be there!

    1. You are so welcome! Sister Thompson is a phenomenal young woman, and we are glad we are able to serve with her.

  2. I'm so glad mi brother, elder Tellez is in the California Riverside Mission. I have no doubt he'll love and enjoy the time with you. Greetings from Costa Rica.
