Sunday, September 29, 2019

New Missionaries Have Arrived!

The phrase—Change is good. Change is good. Change is good—has become our mantra for our mission. This transfer, we had 14 conclude their missions and go home, and we received 23 new missionaries, including three visa waiters.

All of the missionaries after the training. They are ready to go!
After arriving from the airport to the Mission Home, we had a delicious meal of nachos with all of the trimmings. Plus, we Sister Hammon had made an extra tres leches cake, which was divine--as usual. They enjoyed that along with Rice Krispy treats. How can you even think of not having Tres Leches and Rice Krispy treats for a meal? We visited with them a bit, and then I began interviewing the sisters while the elders were taken to a member's home where they were going to spend the night.

Sisters eating tacos and smiling!
Hermana Linton
Sister Linton (new) and Sister Allan
Sister Goss
Sister Miles and Sister Goss (new)
Sister Lifferth
Sister Lifferth (new) and Sister Moore
Sister Jarman
Sisters Briggs and Jarman (new)
Sister Bassett

Sisters Andersen and Bassett (new)
Hermana Parker
Hermanas Gamez and  Parker (new)
Hermana Coronel
Hermanas Coronel (new) and Grant 
Sister Glancy
Sisters Griffith and Glancy (new)
Sister Bowlden
Sisters Bowlden (new) and Anderson
Elder Hartsfield
Elders Royce and Hartsfield (new)
Elder Bunn
Elders Bunn  (new) and Lai
Elder Sexton
Elders Griffiths and Sexton (new)
Elder Bryce
Elders Lea and Bryce (new)
Elder Jensen
Elder Jensen (new) and Tellez
Elders Vance and Hallsted
Elders Hallsted (new), Larsen, and Vance (new)
Elder Peterson
Elders Peterson (new) and Stewart
Sister Taylor
Sisters Hindman and Taylor (new)
Hermana Aries
Hermanas Brown and Aries (new)
Elder Killpack
Elders Amago and Killpack (new)
Elder Jones
Elders Seegmiller and Jones (new)
Elder Murri
Elders Chapman and Murri (new)
Elder Walpole
Elder Larsen and Elder Walpole (new)
President and Sister Hammon and Elder Olson
Elder Stratov (new) and Elder Barnes
Bikes, boxes, and bunch of stuff for every single incoming missionary--It's almost like Christmas when the new missionaries arrive. Amazon must love mothers and fathers who love their children and send them lots of stuff to their missionaries.

We did have an incredible time reviewing the names of the potential trainers and the new missionaries after I interviewed all of them and then counseling with Heavenly Father as to who should be their trainer. I am always amazed how this all works. In the end, it seems they are evenly matched and even anticipated the companion they will be receiving. Heavenly Father really knows them and knows who would help them the most. Granted, they are different, possess different views, come from differing backgrounds; yet, they just link and are ready to work toward making an equally-yoked companionship.

We love seeing new missionaries enter the mission field. They are full of missionary fire and vigor! ?We know they will do fine because the Lord really will bless and protect them.

President and Sister Hammon

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