Friday, April 10, 2020

Missionaries return home in the United States and their countries of origin!

March 2020

When missionaries return home after they have finished their 24 or 18 months, it is both a joyous and extremely sad occasion. When missionaries return home because they are high-risk for the coronavirus (COVID-19) or their countries call them home to keep them safe, it is an even more sad occasion. They do not really want to go home. They want to stay and finished their missions. Many of them begged me not to send them home. Unfortunately, the Missionary Department said, "Send them home." We cried! They cried! We all cried.

These missionaries are all heading back to Utah, where they will spent 14 days in self-isolation. They will keep some semblance of the missionary schedule, reading lots, catching up their journals, ministering via the telephone and video conferencing, working on My Plan, writing letters and emails, pining for their missions and the people they taught, and learning patience.

Hermanas Smyer, and Jolley, Sister Martin, President and Sister Hammon,
Sisters Dyer, Kron, Morgan and Samowitz, and Elder Hanson
Elder Campbell returns to North Carolina, Elder Heaven returns to Canada, and Sister Hindman returns to Mississippi. Elder Heaven was given a candy lei for the trip home. He was fairly happy about the snacks he had received. It's because of how "sweet" he is.

Elder Campbell, Sister and President Hammon, Elder Heaven and Sister Hindman
Hermana Cardiel returns to Idaho.

Hermana Cardiel 
Elder O'Connell returns to Colorado.

Elder O'Connell 
Elder Lai completed his two-year mission and returns back to Taiwan albeit a weekly earlier than he had anticipated it. He caught the last plane home to Taiwan from Ontario, California, until June.

Elder Lai, President and Sister Hammon in the Mission Home

Thank you, Sister and Elder Hunt for meeting us at the airport to bid Elder Lai farewell.
Elders Edwards and Christensen were blessed to have their parents come and pick them up. They return to Utah. They leave a big hole in Ontario.

Elders Edwards and Christensen, President and Sister Hammon
Elder Tellez is from Costa Rica and will be serving in his home country once his 14-day isolation is over. I had a chance to visit with his mother and him once he returned home. They are doing well!

With Elder Telllez on another trip to the airport to see him off to Costa Rica.
Elder Jackson returns to Utah.

Elder Jackson's parents picked him up.
Sister Henderson returns to Tennessee.

Sister Henderson at the airport with Sister and President Hammon
Elder and Sister Hunt took Elder Bailey to the airport for his trip to Australia! Then, he had to spend two weeks in a hotel in Sidney for his isolation tour before he will fly to Perth, his temporary home. His family had been living in China and went to their homeland to be safe from the coronavirus.

Elder and Sister Hunt with Elder Bailey
Elder Thomas rode home with family to Utah.
Hermana Jackson returned home to Idaho.

Hermana Jackson home to Idaho
Welcome home, Hermana Jackson!
And off they go! This where the tears started to flow as they turned together and waved goodbye. Yes there are smiles on their faces.

Up, up and away! Until we meet again.
Sister Reed-Caswell returned to the great state of Texas.

Sister Reed-Caswell was our first to leave.
Sister Sands returns to Wyoming and the wind.

Sister Sands saying good bye to Sister Magante
We love and appreciate all of the work these returning missionaries have given to the people in the California Riverside Mission. Return with Honor! They will be missed in more ways than one. They have served well!

Thank you all.

President and Sister Hammon

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