Monday, March 19, 2018

Good byes to Outgoing and a Welcomes to Incoming Missionaries, Trainings, Transition to Smartphones, Baptisms: the ever-changing California Riverside Mission

What a full week we have all had! Missionaries have come and gone! We shed both tears of sadness and joy. We continue to transition to smartphones and technology. We had interviews. We had district leader and MLC training this week. We had a great weekend with the Corona Stake Presidency with President Aragon and Elder Richard J. and Sister Nancy J. Maynes.

This past week the following missionaries successfully completed their missions: Hermanas Coffeen, Hernández, and Schooff; Sisters Wilde, Harris (Shaunté), and Greenhalgh; Elders Andrew and Maughan. They came to the mission home around 3:00ish with all their luggage in hand, some more heavy than they should have been. President Hansen and I were able to discuss their My Plans with them. We had a delicious Chile verde and rice dinner with the traditional Tres Leches cake for dessert. We were all able to squeeze around the big table in the dining room. 

Chile verde dinner with outgoing missionaries and Assistants
 Testimony meeting was another excellent spiritual experience. These are such incredible missionaries. We are going to miss them terrible (and already do). We had a great companionship study. Our topic was light.

Outgoing at the Mission Home: Sisters Harris, Greenhalgh, Schooff, Hernandez,
Coffeen, Wilde; Elders Maughan and Andrerw
The next morning, they were off after a quick breakfast. Sister Hernández stayed the night with Elder and Sister McCracken, and then Elder and Sister Davis took her to the airport early. The rest of them went with us and the Assistants. We shed tears as they each went up the escalator in both terminals. We wish them well!

Outgoing missionaries: Hermanas Coffeen and Schooff; Sisters Wilde, Harris,
and Greenhalgh; President and Sister Hammon; and Elders Andrew and Maughan
A huge welcome to Hermanas Chase, Stettler, and Esplin; and Sisters Bascom and Neerings; and Elders Johnson, Sato, McLaughlin, and Lawler! The flight was on time. We had our new banner, and the Assistants held it proudly. It looked great! After they retrieved their luggage, we headed back to the Mission Home where we had a delicious dinner. Soon, the elders were off to the zone leaders’ apartments, and the sisters stayed at the Mission Home where I interviewed all of them.

Welcome to the new missionaries! Sister Stettler came in a day earlier.
The next morning, we all meet at the Mission Office, where both the new missionaries and the trainers gathered to be trained in their respective groups while I interviewed all the elders. We ate a delicious lunch, and I then announced the companionships:

New missionaries with their trainers
Hermanas Harper and Esplin

Hermanas Harper and Esplin (new)
Sisters Ruggles and Bascom

Sisters Ruggles and Bascom (new)
Hermanas Buitrago and Peters (finishing the training)

Hermanas Buitrago and Peters (newish, just finished six weeks)
Sisters Bartschi and Neerings

Hermanas Grover and Chase

Hermanas Chase (new) and Grover 
Elders Johnson and Willes

Elders Johnson and Willes
Elders Soto and Aland

Elders Soto (new) and Aland
Elders Dew and Lawler

Elders Dew and Lawler (new)
Elders McLaughlin and Osberg

Elders McLaughlin (new) and Osberg
Hermanas Sorensen and Stettler

Hermanas Sorensen and Stettler
Then, these new missionaries shared heart-felt testimonies with us. I am impressed with them all and look forward to their great work.

Elders de Mare and Gulbranson (RM), Laurie and Brad, Elders Jensen, Guymon, and Herald
We also attended the baptism of Mike (father), Jordan, and Alexis (daughters) from the San Jacinto Ward. This was another amazing baptism.

Brother Cattern, Mike, Alexis, Sister Ruggles, Elder de Mare,
Sisters Fountaine and Bulter, Brother Kowallis, and Bishop Rex
We also had the baptism for Leilani 

Elders Komers and Porrazzo with Leilani and her mother and brother
And Alex

Elder Crowther, Alex, and Elder Nelson
Plus, we were able to visit with former missionaries, Elders Dunn (and his father); Elder Gulbranson; and Elder Parsons and his “new companion Sadie” (they are getting married in May). 

Elder Tyler Dunn, Sister and President Hammon, and Elder Ethan Gulbranson

Sadie, Elder Cooper Parson, President and Sister Hammon

New and current district leaders

Mission Leadership Council (MLC)
 I had interviews with the Mt. Rubidoux and Riverside zones! What a delight it was meeting with these wonderful missionaries. Most of them had their copies of their vulnerability plan. Thank you.  Also, if their phones were here, these two zones received them and downloaded their approved apps. 

On the way to the Mission Office from the Mission Home

What an incredible treat we had this weekend with Elder Richard J. and Sister Nancy J. Maynes, of the Seventy. In the Priesthood Session on Saturday, he spoke about magnifying the priesthood. One of his focuses was “teach doctrine, build faith, transition to application, and help people come unto Christ.” He also talked about our “heavenly pedigree.” He talked to the Priesthood leaders about how to help the youth—and even the adults—obtain greater spiritual experiences. He mentioned four ways: 1) Teaching, 2) Ordinances, 3) Sacrament, and 4) Service. In the Saturday evening session, President Aragon discussed the fact that parents need to be the greatest teachers in their children’s lives. Also, he posited that the Lord’s pattern is doing the small and simple things that ultimately lead to strengthen in our own lives and the lives of our children. At the Saturday evening session, Elder Maynes talked about the Sabbath and developing Celestial traditions. He also showed us an incredible rendition of the Plan of Happiness. During the Sunday Session, Sister Maynes discussed the importance of making good choices, big or small. She said our choices each day either lead us to Christ or to Satan. She said that CTR not only means “Choose the Right”; it also means “Choose to Remember.” Elder Maynes told some wonderful stories about one of the missions in Texas he visited. Plus, he talked about how money cannot establish Zion. One of the wonderful quotes he gave was this: “We need to make good decisions so that we are worthy of and sensitive to the Holy Ghost.”

What a week—lots going on, but we wouldn’t trade it. The spiritual awakenings and miracles we have watched and experienced this week combine to create celestial remembrances. We love and cherish them.

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