Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Incoming missionaries, truly a blessing to the California Riverside Mission!

February 25, 2020

What a wonderful group of incoming missionaries we received this past week! After spending time in the Mission Training Centers in Provo, Utah, and Mexico City, they were ready to come to sunny southern California!

Receiving new missionaries always brings new fire to the mission. When they walked down the stairs at the Ontario Airport, they were excited to see us, and we were excited to see them! Elders Abraham and Chase, the Assistants, held open the "Welcome to the California Riverside" banner. After greeting them and welcoming them, we headed to retrieve their luggage.

The new missionaries arrive at Ontario airport Tuesday night. We are missing Hermana Webb
who came in on Monday evening. This picture shows all of the rest of the missionaries
who came in on Tuesday evening. 
Of course, they were hungry when they arrived. We trundled back to the Mission Home, the missionaries ate their first Mexican meal in the Mission. We ate delicious tostadas! Then, we learned more about our new missionaries.

They loved their "first" Mexican meal in California! 

These young men can eat a ton!
After a good night's sleep, we drove to the Mission Office where they had a delicious breakfast. Then, the New Missionary Orientation began.

The following are pictures of our newest missionaries with their new companions.

Hermanas Butikofer and Pozos (new)

Elders  LeBaron (new) and Emry 

Sisters Moore and Tucker (new)
Part of training/orientation day is spending time learning about medical, cars, housing, finances, missionary schedule, etc. It's a lot to take in. We will bring them back in four weeks after they have had an opportunity to learn a few things and acclimate to missionary work.

Elders Rich and Carr (new)

Elders Hull and Pakofe (new)

Elders Jackson and Harlan (new)
After a delicious lunch, they learned who their new training companions were and what area they were going to go to. That's a fun time when they first meet their companions. I had an opportunity to visit with their new trainers. They are phenomenal, some of our best missionaries. The new missionaries will learn much from their trainers.

Elders Bytendorp and Nordby (new)

Sisters Clyde and Fransen (new)

Hermanas Linton and Webb (new)

Elders Koyle (new) and Olson

Elders Rowe and Winsor (new)
Here is a picture of all of the new missionaries, the Assistants, and President and Sister Hammon.

All the new missionaries Wednesday after orientation meeting.
One of the traditions we have is after they find out where they are going to go, they go to the Mission President's Office and place their pictures in their new areas. It's a great time to find their new areas and new companions and then "become" a part of their new district and zone.

Elder Koyle, waiting for his visa to Portugal

Elder Pakofe, waiting for his visa to Papua New Guinea

Elder Winsor

Hermana Pozos

Elder LeBaron

Hermana Webb

Elder Nordby

Sister Tucker

Elder Carr

Elder Harlan

Sister Fransen
Part of any training is eating! We had baked potatoes and all of the trimmings. Being from Idaho, Sister Hammon and I love baked potatoes!

Baked potato bar with all the toppings you can imagine! (Thanks, Sister Shirley for the photo!)

Yummy! (Thanks, Sister Shirley for the photo!)

Let's eat! (Thanks, Sister Shirley for the photo!) 
After lunch and their new assignments, they all shared their testimonies with us. They are definitely ready to serve the Lord, and we are glad they are here.

We love these missionaries already and are ready to serve with them!

President and Sister Hammon

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