Saturday, May 11, 2019

Happy Mother's Day to the mothers of all of our missionaries in the California Riverside Mission!

Mothers have influenced their children for good since time began. There is no greater influence on children than mothers. Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents of the United States, said, “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”

Today, we would like to wish you a glorious Happy Mother’s Day and pay divine tribute to all the mothers of our missionaries!

Thank you for teaching them that Heavenly Father loves them—If there is one principle which we hope all mothers teach their children is this one. We do have a lovingly Heavenly Father who wants us to return to live with Him and our Heavenly Mother, and He will provide a way through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for encouraging them—Missions. Are. Hard. Period. They need all the encouragement they can receive. Your words, your letters, your conversations, even your admonitions propel them forward, to help them become better. Please keep encouraging them in all that they do and through their challenges. 

Thank you for teaching them how to work—While not all missionaries come to us knowing that missions are hard work, they soon learn it is. They did learn that work is important. On the mission, they learn that work is imperative for them to grow and develop and become what they want and need to become. 

Thank you for teaching them respect—They understand how to say please and thank you. They respect others, and they learn to respect their companions and those whom they serve.

Thank you for teaching them that they can be better than they were—All mothers try to teach their children this principle. Some missionaries struggle with this until they remember the words their mothers have taught them. They can be better than they were. Missions have natural tendency to imbue in them this grand principle.

Thank you for teaching them to be clean and organized—Granted, many of them were taught to keep their rooms clean with a bit of periodic cajoling. During the mission, they continue to strive and learn how this is important for them now and in the future. Please encourage them to enhance their organizational skills. 

Thank you for loving them enough to encourage them to serve a mission—This constant encouragement boosts our missionaries to continue forward. We often say to them, “What would your mothers say if….?” They instantly know what you would say to them, and they strive to do what needs to be done.

Thank you for allowing them to grow up and become independent souls with their own personalities—We love to continue teaching them “spiritual self-reliance” to add to your teachings. We know they want to learn to become independent and think for themselves, and we encourage them to develop the all-important principle of spiritual self-reliance on our Heavenly Father and His Son. They are so unique and individual when they come to the mission. We want to keep those great qualities their personalities bring.

Thank you for extending additional love to them when they arrive home from their missions—Mission change missionaries, mostly for the better. They return differently, thinking differently, doing things differently. Most of them have changed for the better and need space to continue to grow and develop. Continue to love them as never before. 

Thank you for seeing the growth and development when they return home from their missions—With their letters and now the telephone/Skype calls home, you have begun to see the enormous growth and development they have experienced. Please tell them and encourage them to continue in, especially when they arrive home. They have gained so much more capacity. Please continue to encourage them to keep moving forward, ever onward.

Again, we appreciate you sending us such incredible young men and women who love the Lord and who want to do everything in their power and ability to serve Him and continue to grow and develop. Our greatest joy comes when we see them climb out of some of the abysses they find themselves in, when they discover they can teach well, when they realize that the Atonement of Jesus Christ can really help them overcome any obstacle and challenge in their lives, when they finally discover why they are here, and when they come to know who they are and whose they are.

Thank you, moms, for what you have done, what you are doing, and what you are about to do. We will continue to do our part in helping them enhance all of these skills you taught while teaching them additional principles and skills to help them during the post-mission life. 

We love your sons and daughters!

Happy Mother’s Day!

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