Thursday, May 9, 2019

Tears, smiles, and great memories as missionaries complete their missions in the California Riverside Mission!

Outgoing missionaries
This week was a week of outgoing and incoming missionaries. This blog will touch only on those who went home.

Outgoing Temple Trip
One of the most spiritual parts for outgoing missionaries before they return home is attending the Redlands Temple. Last week, we went with the outgoing missionaries: Sisters Fortin and Peterson; Elders Broadhead, Rawlings, and Roper; Elders Lambert and Van Orman and Sister White, all three going to their respective countries; and Elder and Sister Powell, our senior couple who will be going home in June. The day was gorgeous. Outside, the temple grounds were well cared for, and flowers were flourishing everywhere. Inside, the beauty and peace never subsided; they just engulfed you with the quietness and grandeur we need to discard the worldly distractions and align ourselves with Heavenly Father for those brief moments we are there. We loved every minute of it, especially when we were able to greet the outgoing missionaries individually as they entered the Celestial Room. What a joyous, spiritual occasion!

Front: Sisters Peterson and Fortin; President and Sister Hammon;
Back: Elders Rollins, Roper, and Broadhead
Missionaries off to Portugal, Utah, and Taiwan
Early Monday morning, we took two of our visa waiters, Sister White, Elder Van Orman, and Elder Ogan, one of our missionaries returning home, to the Ontario Airport. Since they had a very early flight, we left the Mission Home at 4:00 a.m. It was a bitter-sweet moment to watch them go up the escalator. Elder and Sister Shirley took Elder Lambert to the airport at a different time. Sister Shirley described her experience this way: "It was all I could do to hold back the tears, and he was only here for six weeks." That's how it goes when you watch missionaries go home. 

When I interviewed Sister White and Elder Van Orman the night before they left, they both said they felt this was their mission. They thanked all of us, especially the missionaries in their zones, for their kindness in making them feel very comfortable and at home while they served here.

Elder Van Orman, President and Sister Hammon, and Sister White

Elder Ogan and President and Sister Hammon

Elder Lambert in the suit and tie. Others include Elders Chase, Bailey, and Lai, his Mandarin-speaking companions.

And off Elder Lambert goes to Taiwan!
Missionary returning home
Tuesdays at the beginning of each transfer are challenging, mainly because missionaries go home on those days. This past Tuesday, we had five missionaries go home after completing their missions: Sisters Peterson and Fortin; Elders Broadhead, Rawlings, and Roper. On Monday afternoon, they began to gather at the Mission Home so I could have one last interview with each of them and discuss their “My Plan,” their going-home-strategic plan. It was wonderful visiting with each one of them and hearing about what they plan on doing. They all have great “My Plans” and will be moving forward when they arrived home.

Front: Sisters Peterson and Fortin; President and Sister Hammon.
Back: Elders Broadhead, Rollins, and Roper

At the end of dinner, we had an incredible testimony meeting, hearing from each missionary going home. Here are some snippets from the testimonies:
  • Sister Fortin—I have seen the effects of the gospel has had on all the people we taught. Heavenly Father wants the best for His children.”
  • Sister Peterson—“I was called here to save myself. I know there is a God and Jesus Christ. Without this gospel, life would be really hard.”
  • Elder Rollins—"My mission has made me better. I have come to understand the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how it us heal make things possible. I am a child of God.”
  • Elder Broadhead—“Sometimes our Book of Mormon testimony comes form other people. The testimony of those who read and study the Book of Mormon go way beyond. I have a testimony of the effect that the Book of Mormon has on people.
  • Elder Roper—"I didn’t necessarily know where the gospel was taking me. The biggest miracle on my mission is how I have changed. The love I have gained comes to fill my heart and charity for this people."

"Companion study with President Hammon" (Thanks to Sister Shirley for the photo!)
The next morning, we ate a quick breakfast and headed for the airport. At the airport, we took pictures and quickly sent them to the mothers so they would know their missionaries “were on their way.” The responses were immediate. The parents were excited to have their children come home. We, on the other hand, were both sad and glad, sad that they were leaving and glad that they were going to be reunited once again with their families.

Calla lilies in front of the Redlands Temple

Seeing our missionaries return home is a challenging time for us. We shed tears as we give them final hugs and wish them the best. As they slowly ascended on the escalator, we waved and tried to hold back the lumps in our throats. We watched them as they inched their way through security and disappeared on the other side, out of sight, and then gone.

Good bye, missionaries! Elders Rollins, Roper, and Broadhead; Sisters Peterson and Fortin

These young missionaries have grown and developed so much while they have been here in the California Riverside Mission. The sisters came while we were here, and the elders came the transfer before we arrived. We have grown to love each and every one of them.

We wish them well! May the Lord continue to bless them and their families!

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